Welcome to my world of adventure and creativity!

Hailing from the heart of the Alps, I fell in love with the mountains at an early age. I received my first snowboard at 9, and from that moment on, I dedicated every free moment to the slopes. Armed with a simple camera, I began capturing the incredible moments my friends and I shared in the mountains.

One day, I borrowed a friend's DSLR camera, and my passion for photography was ignited. I had to get one for myself. Photography has since become both my job and my dearest hobby.

Today I'm fortunate to call photography my profession. I offer my clients professional services for sports and lifestyle photography. Additionally, I can handle the organization of a photo production, from contacting the right models to finding the perfect location. With my extensive knowledge of the Tyrol region, I provide valuable insights and expertise. I'm here to capture the beauty and adventures of mountain sports through my lens and offer a complete photography solution for your needs. Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you enjoy my work as much as I do creating it.